
Veterans Affairs in the Presidency

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Query: Ministry of Veterans Affairs, it is time you improve your projects and payments system. How can one wait for a project’s approval for more than three years? Also consider that all unemployed veterans be put on medical aid and improve grants.

Response: Veterans Affairs takes note of the concern of veterans regarding the timeframe it takes to approve and fund Individual Veterans Projects (IVP’s). This shortcoming, however, can solely be attributed to budget constraints, as opposed to the number of veterans applying for payment of their projects.

In other words, the Veterans Board cannot approve projects when there are inadequate funds to pay for the projects. However, Veterans Affairs is of the opinion that our payment system has drastically improved over the last few years, as is evident in the 953 projects that were funded since 21 March 2015 to 21 June 2015.

Concerning the placement of unemployed veterans on medical aid; in terms of the Hospital and Health Facilities Act of 1994, which deals with regulations relating to the classification of state hospitals, admission of patients to state hospitals, and fees payable by patients receiving treatment in, at, or from state hospitals, all veterans or dependents of veterans, as defined in Section 1 of the Veterans Act of 2008, must receive free treatment and are exempted from paying hospital fees at any state health facility.

In the event that a state health facility is unable to manage the health condition of a veteran, due to a lack of specialists or other unknown reasons, it should then be clearly indicated on the health assessment form for veterans, which makes provision for a referral. These forms are freely available at all regional Veterans Affairs offices. With the assessment form in hand, the concerned veteran should then approach the Veterans Affairs office in order to facilitate the veterans’ treatment at private institutions.

Lastly, the improvement of the N$2,200 monthly financial assistance currently offered to unemployed, disabled, retired and lowly paid veterans is under consideration by the Veterans Board.

As mandated, Veterans Affairs will continue to pursue excellence in coordinating government’s efforts on all aspects related to addressing the plight of veterans and to ensure that the needs and aspirations of the veterans are met.

– Edson Haufiku, Senior Public Relations Officer, Veterans Affairs in the Presidency, Email: Edson.haufiku@mova.gov.na