
Veterans affairs re-alignment not a downgrade – PRO

Home National Veterans affairs re-alignment not a downgrade – PRO


Senior PRO of Veterans Affairs in the Presidency, Edson Haufiku, said the Ministry of Veteran Affairs has not been ‘downgraded’ as reported this week by New Era.

In actual fact, he clarified, the veterans affairs ministry, together with that of physically challenged people, as well as the San, Ovatue and Ovahimba development have been aligned to the vice-president’s office in the presidency.

“Veterans Affairs is currently made up of two directorates and one subdivision, thus it cannot be downgraded to a directorate,” Haufiku told New Era yesterday.

He added: “The same article also highlighted that 26 124 veterans have been registered as war veterans since 2009, while in actual fact over 30 000 have been registered to date.”