
VIBEZ! – King Simon now a man of the cloth

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VIBEZ! – King Simon now a man of the cloth

Arguably one of the most noticeable voices on radio, especially in the Oshiwambo-speaking dialects, Simon “Sunday” Mundandala is now a man of God.

The man behind the microphone, also known as King Simon, has been keeping listeners informed and entertained for over two decades, but has shifted focus and heeded the call to serve God. Simon told VIBEZ! he never thought he had this calling, or ever imagined he would open his own ministry. “I thought I was just gifted to entertain people through radio, but there was more behind the talent. Later, I discovered that we are all called, but only a few answer the call. We are called in different ways to change others’ lives, amplify the name of God, and give him glory through everything we labour on earth,” he noted.

Simon said his minsitry was established in 2019, and has attracted a following over which he does not want to delve into because it’s not what his mission is. “Mercyland Namibia Ministry was birthed in 2019, and we are based in Katutura, Grysblock at the after-school centre. About members, I am not fan of tallying members or bodies of the church. I know it is used as a measure to determine the growth of the church, but we count the souls which are saved. You can have members, and no salvation and transformation. I see the growth of the Ministry every day, but I don’t want to focus on the number of gatherings because we are not sent to gather people, but to win souls and make them disciples”, he philosophised.

Quizzed whether he has taken the path to study as most pastors do at the Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS), he said it depends because if you call yourself to become a pastor, then you have to go to school and study. “But if God calls you, He will send you to the school of the Holy Spirit to teach you how to do heavenly things, and navigate you through every obstacle. He becomes the Lamp onto your feet, guiding the way in which you should go, and being your mouthpiece. Being able to head the body of Christ is God’s mystery, beyond our understanding. Therefore, men cannot teach one how to do this, but the Holy Spirit himself. A calling is from God, while a career is something man-made and can be chosen. Apostle Paul makes this clear in Galatians (1:11-12),” he said.

King Simon also mentioned that he has not hung up his mic entirely, as he is still the station manager at Omulunga Radio. “I have just moved from being a presenter to running the station. Omulunga is my baby, and I love it so much. I would like to do more for the station to grow and achieve its purpose. Even though I am ministering, it’s not full-time, only on a part-time basis.”

Simon’s ministry also offers other services besides teaching and preaching, which include counselling and giving back to the community every Wednesday at 18h00 and Sunday at 09h00.

“I do deliver prophecies when directed by the Spirit. I do not do it to entertain, but edify the body of Christ so that the Lord can bind up wounds and comfort his children. About teaching and sermons, I believe they do help people in many ways. For people to come back is because they see a permanent change, and not one that is temporary. Many people really have been transformed by teaching, as those who lost hope find hope, and those who wanted to commit suicide change their minds. We likewise see people from psychiatric hospitals restored; broken families restored. There are many incredible examples.”

“Whatever you do, do it with fear of the almighty God. Don’t to things for people’s applause, but rather for God to be proud of you. The truth is, all of us will one day die, and my question to everyone is: where are you going after, according to the life you are living today? Turn away from all wicked ways, and turn to God. God is a merciful God, and is willing to accept you. You don’t have to be perfect; he is willing to meet you where you are and give you a new life”, he added.
