
VIBEZ!-Tag makes you see the world in a better view

Home Positive Vibes VIBEZ!-Tag makes you see the world in a better view
VIBEZ!-Tag makes you see the  world in a better view

Julina Kaakunga


Ricardo Katjimune (30) is a young photographer and founder of Tag (#ag) Photography

Katjimune’s photography journey started when he was 24 years old and after a decision to engage in an extracurricular activity that would distract him from alcohol consumption, as well as keep him sane as he felt like he was breaking down mentally. He later fell in love with it under the mentorship of Sebastian Tjitombo, the owner and founder of Norcela Captures. 

“When he agreed, he told me he couldn’t teach me. Consequently, he asked me to shadow him instead. I then watched and followed him on assignments,” noted Katjimune. Tjitombo told VIBEZ! he agreed to teach Katjimune, bearing in mind that photography can be a seasonable business. 

“There may thus be months or weeks when no client calls or wants to take even a single picture. He agreed, and threw himself into it with missionary intensity,” Tjitombo added.

The founder of Norcela Captures explained his experience mentoring Katjimune, stating that the youngster was one of his great exports as he always listens, asks for help, has an incredible work ethic, and is eager to learn and improve. 

“Witnessing him pour out into others what I poured out into him, I could not be prouder. However, there’s always room for improvement.” He explained photography as “bringing people into the moment who were not present or would not know what happened in that moment, had someone not taken a photograph”. 

Apart from Katjimune, Tjitombo also mentored a number of young men in the industry, starting with Hiyoo Mbuende and Uendjii Kaumbi. They are behind Culture Prints. Shaun Kavari owns Next Level Photography. 

“I briefly, almost in an
advisory role, worked with Kunondjo Mutirua as he was starting. Today, he is behind Boss Effect,” he shared.

“Collaborate, don’t compete, maintain an underground referral system where you help one another, and bounce ideas off each other. Take care of the N$100 client the same way you would a N$1 000 client, and deliver equally,” advised Tjitombo.

After a year, Katjimune decided to create his own brand, Tag Photography, under Norcela Captures.

“I was on IG, and noticed a lot of hashtags. That’s how the name Tag Photography came about,” he stated humorously.  “It was initially supposed to be a joke, but people said it was quite catchy. Look now where we are, six years later,” he beamed. 

He first joined a brand with Kavari, where Katjimune did the editing and Kavari the capturing. They later parted ways, as they both got better in their craft and wanted to go solo.

During his solo career, Katjimune mentored Viazamo Kake, who is behind Royal Images under the leadership of Tjitombo. 

“The mentorship for me was a great experience. I learned how to work better with clients, and how to stand my ground. Every photographer has an eye, so when you look at someone else’s captures, you immediately know what to incorporate in yours next time, and that’s how you learn,” expressed Kake. 

“Thick and thin” is how Kake describes his journey so far. But he is grateful, as it has boosted his confidence, and led to him being his own boss. Through photography, Tjitombo and Kake both met clients who became friends, and some became family. He thus urges any upcoming photographer to follow their passion, and always remember that quality matters more than quantity. Katjimune states that photography is sometimes overlooked, as people do not value the number of sleepless nights put into it. However, it is a tool that documents history, and captures beauty and mystery. julinak990@gmail.com