
Victim’s family opposes bail for murder suspect

Home National Victim’s family opposes bail for murder suspect
Victim’s family opposes bail for murder suspect

Marythar Kambinda


KATIMA MULILO – Family members of Quincy Kasungo, who was killed in July 2022, held a peaceful demonstration in Katima Mulilo on Friday demanding the suspect in the murder case, Sinvula Tuwelo receive no bail.

The family claims Tuwelo was talking of killing two people on that very day of 30 July 2022 at one of the bars at Masokotwani, when he fatally shot Kasungo. He was arrested the same day and remains in custody, after he was denied bail during his first court appearance.

The family stated that this was not the first time they have gone through an incident in the same manner, as a similar accident saw Fred Kasungo butchered in the same manner within the same community of Masokotwani in 2016.

Handing over the petition to prosecutor Cynthia Matiti was Flora Mabuku, who said the family demands that no bail be granted to the suspect, as he could be a danger to the community.

“This is because we the two families feel that the suspect is a threat to the Kasungo family.

“If he is granted bail, whatever will happen to the community and the Kasungo family will be considered as negligence of the judiciary, the body which is believed to exercise justice in the Republic of Namibia,” said Mabuku.

She added that the community fears that if granted bail, “he might carry on with the plans he had for some community members which could include Libana Kasungo, who they believe could be the next victim, and he will be forced to live in fear as the suspect resides in the same area with him.”

Mabuku further added that the easy granting of bail and the lenient sentences meted out by the judiciary leads to the perception that the perpetrators of heinous crimes such as murder are protected while the victims are ignored.

“This is what has happened with Fred’s case CR No:15/03/2016 in which the suspects were arrested, and later granted bail. Up to this day, they still roam freely in the community,” stated Mabuku.