
Video: Defying gravity through parkour to cleanse the mind

Home Sports Video: Defying gravity through parkour to cleanse the mind

Adam Smaruj (27) says he does parkour for mental, physical and personal growth. Parkour means the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping and climbing. In a nutshell, Smaruj is jumping on things like buildings and concretes.

Although he experienced two broken ribs not so long ago, Smaruj has been doing parkour for 10 years and says it has benefits attached to it. “It has helped me around in life. Through parkour, I have learned to calm my mind. It grounds me as well. Some people do drugs, others do alcohol and I do parkour. After a stressful day, you can go to town for two hours or even 45 minutes and it’s just you and the concrete,” stated Smaruj.