
Visible Talent Namibia Show to spend N$90 000 on winners

Home National Visible Talent Namibia Show to spend N$90 000 on winners

 WINDHOEK- The Visible Talent Namibia Show, which started scouting for talent recently, has allocated N$50 000 for the first prize winner, N$30 000 for the second runner up while the third winner will walk away with N$10 000. 

So far, the team has given away 15 golden tickets to the unique talents they have observed, five people from each town they have observed so far, namely Katima Mulilo, Rundu and Tsumeb. The next scouting is happening today at Outapi in the Omusati Region.

“We want to find unique talent with the hope of them harnessing their craft to perfection. It’s the platform intended to give Namibians visibility. If these traits are visible enough, people will be hired to perform at different events in the country and that’s our aim with the search,” said artist Monica Pinias, popularly known as Top Cheri, who forms part of the judging panel. 

Tate Buti and Dion Auala of PDK are also members of the panel.
“The saddest thing for us as judges is saying no to people. Namibia has talent written all over it and as much as you can see that someone is brilliant at what they do, sometimes there is a missing element which leads to the no and it’s hard to do that. Yet someone has to do it,” said Top Cheri.

“The most unique talent we have seen so far is of an uncle who picked a gearbox with his teeth. When he walked into the audition room, two people helped him carry it and they placed it down and he picked it up with his teeth; that was interesting to see,” recalled Top Cheri. 

She informed Entertainment Now! the oldest person who has taken part is a 49-year-old woman from Zambezi Region and the youngest is a 12-year-old from Kavango East Region.
The talent search idea was birthed from the video clips Tate Buti always received on WhatsApp. “Anything that Tate Buti sees which is not basic is always talent to him, so he decided to take this further and Dion and I got involved in all the logistics,” explained Top Cheri.
The final scouting show is happening this September in Windhoek.