My Vision for 2015

Home Columns My Vision for 2015

By Fifi Rhodes

Whether you launched fireworks illegally or shared a toast, I hope you enjoyed celebrating last year’s achievements. Now it’s time to plan for an even brighter 2015.Congratulations for making it this far. As you know by now, we will see and experience many changes this year from politics to social life and our own individual development.

I think it is very clear that whenever a year passes, time passes. We all grow older. I just want to remind you of what should the New Year be for all of us.

First of all, a New Year gave us an opportunity to redefine our priorities, make decisions, take a review and to take stock of our lives. We have to ask ourselves are the things we do, important or urgent. Please, don’t confuse urgent things with important things.

Secondly, a New Year gives an opportunity for us to redefine our purpose. Are we still on course for what we were born to do?. A New Year also gives us opportunity to redefine our life’s vision. Do we know exactly what we want to do for the next 15 years?. I take it short cut to our dream, Vision 2030. Are we still in line with a clear vision for our lives. Is that vision still on paper. Has it been refined?. I’m doing it myself for my own life.

A New Year also gives opportunity for us to re-establish worthwhile goals. In other words, they should be worth our while. We can establish goals that don’t waste our time because they don’t take us toward our vision.

So!, let’s go back, don’t be afraid to mark out some things that don’t make sense. Don’t be afraid to give up things that are not important anymore. Don’t be afraid to confess that you and I was off track with that. Let us get back on. It is better to do it now than to try and do it later. This year, must be the year to take stock, do some inventory and throw some things out of the warehouse. It might be some of our friends. It might be habits. It might be the old routine that is not working. Let’s make the most of every opportunity. Not everything that is presented to us is an opportunity.

A New Year also gives us opportunity to bury the past and to move into a future that we haven’t created yet. So please, get over it. Whatever it was, get over it now!.

Leave all the baggage you had in 2014. Loose yourself, cut of all the weight. Get rid of staff that was distracting you and forget the past. That’s what a New Year does, it’s a powerful change.

In the Holy Bible, in the Book of Ephesians chapter 5, it gave great advise about our lives. It begins by saying, Wake Up!.

It is not talking of people sleeping physically. The author Apostle Paul, was speaking to people who was sleeping through life. Mundane, boring, day to day routine, same traffic jam, same clothes, same friends, same activities, same habits, same TV shows. Yes!.

Lets live a practical life where everything from theoretical to practicalities and all these great revelations you and I got from God and The Kingdom, we can apply it this year sensibly. We must start living sensibly!,