
Vision Brass Band graces City Centre

Home Youth Corner Vision Brass Band graces City Centre
Vision Brass Band graces City Centre

Jaenique Swartz 


THE world of street performance has long been regarded as a stage for raw talent and creativity to mature, and for some young boys, it has become a means to stay off the “wrong” streets.

Embracing street performers, Vision Brass Band is not only expressing itself creatively but it is also finding a purpose that keeps them away from negative influences.  

Vision Brass Band was birthed through the sheer determination of five young boys who refused to be victims of the vicious vice cycle they see around them daily, to teach themselves independence amid adversity.  

“Life has many challenges,” said one of the boys, adding that they try their best to rise above these daily challenges. 

Hailing from the streets of Katutura to bring forth mesmerizing tunes to the Central Business District (CBD) of Windhoek are Gino (16), Joyful (17), Wilfred (21), Herold (22), and Giovanni (19).  

They are all self-taught musicians who are emulating band leaders within their communities and are eager to see the growth of Vision Brass Band 

“Our biggest motivation comes from the young ones in the street who also want to take up music. It encourages us to keep going when we feel like giving up,” the group said. 

Though the band started a few months ago, the boys claim some of the challenges they deal with come from their peers not wanting to see them advance in their musical endeavours, which dampens their spirits as they merely aim to make a positive impact.  

The group said busking on the streets busking has made them look at life through a different lens, highlighting that it has made them more appreciative of their hard work and earnings since it is not easy to make money without getting up to work for it.  

They come to town at around 09h00 where they grace the onlookers with harmonious notes that show passion and love for the arts. 

Their average daily income is around N$600 which they share.

“We are grateful for the money we make on a daily basis because if we just sit at home, we would have nothing. However sometimes the money is not enough to sustain all five group members,” they said.  

Vision Brass Band currently only does street performances. 

However, they are actively looking for sponsorship or promoters to take them to the next level.  

“Seeing people enjoying our music shows us that we can be big one day and therefore we will not give up our dream,” Giovanni said.  
