
Vivo Energy Namibia awards high performing drivers

Home Business Vivo Energy Namibia awards high performing drivers

Vivo Energy, the distributor and marketer of Shell branded fuels and lubricants in Namibia, rewarded high-performing truck drivers for the year 2019, at their Drivers Recognition Awards, during a ceremony held at the Protea Marriott Hotel in Walvis Bay. 

The Driver’s Recognition Awards are an annual event held with the objective of inspiring the drivers of haulage trucks that transport petroleum products for Vivo Energy Namibia, to better road safety behaviour and compliance. Drivers’ performance is measured by their level of adherence and compliance to Health, Security, Safety and Environment (HSSE) standards whose overall aim is ‘Goal Zero’, meaning no harm to people, assets and the environment throughout Vivo Energy’s operations. Vivo Energy places a lot of emphasis on driver management with the transport companies that it conducts business with – with drivers held responsible for the lives of people on the road, the vehicle they are driving, the product they are transporting and ensuring they protect the environment from any oil spills as they drive their trucks.
On-Board-Computers (OBC) installed in every truck that transport Shell petroleum products for Vivo Energy Namibia, allow for the monitoring of every journey in real time.

“The overall safety performance for 2019 has been an interesting reading with no motor vehicle accidents, fatalities or injuries recorded over the combined 6,467,969 kilometers covered by the three (3) companies that traveled to transport our product”, stated Geoffrey Elyanu, Supply & Distribution Manager at Vivo Energy Namibia. “This would not have been possible without the active participation and attention to detail by the drivers, who also improved on the reporting of Potential Incidents over the year”, Elyanu added.
The three haulers contracted to Vivo Energy Namibia; XCCS Namibia, Unitrans Namibia and Cape Town-based Cargo Carriers, all recognised their best drivers for driving safely without violating any of the high standards set for 2019.

The awards all carried a certificate of excellence and a cash prize of N$2000 for the special recognition awards and N$6000 each for the Drivers of the Year!

“The Driver’s Recognition Awards are Vivo Energy Namibia’s way of expressing its gratitude to the drivers of these trucks that cover vast distances during the year to bring product to the customer. The drivers’ efforts to safely deliver our petroleum products often go unnoticed and therefore an event such as the one tonight is of utmost importance in maintaining our safety records on the roads”, Mr. Edward Walugembe, Managing Director, Vivo Energy Namibia said at the award ceremony.

In his address, Walugembe further emphasized on HSSE as an integral part of the Vivo Energy business that grants the entity its license to operate.  “We would like to remind our drivers and their families of the value that we attach to their jobs and our aim throughout this year will be to keep motivating high performing drivers to uphold the standards of health and safety on the road”, he stated.

This year’s winners are: 
Driver of the Year
Matheus Chipandeka, Unitrans Namibia
Solly Williams,  XCCS Namibia
Vuyani Khanuka  Cargo Carriers, Cape Town
Driver of the Year Runner-up
Adolf Khoeseb,  XCCS Namibia
Endurance Award 
    An award for the driver that covered the longest distance without a safety-related incident:
Samuel Hailume,  XCCS Namibia (covered 135,000 km, mainly across the hazardous northern regions of Namibia)
Vigilance Award 
    An award for the driver that has logged the most Potential Incidents (PIs) on the system:
Matheus Chipandeka Unitrans Namibia
Quality PIs Award    
    An award for the driver that logs the Best Potential Incidents (PIs) on the system:
Vuyani Khanuka , Cargo Carriers, Cape Town
Trailblazer Award 
    A peer recognition award for the Driver that commands leadership amongst their peers in all areas of the profession:
Johannes Kanyanga, XCCS Namibia
Valor (Courage-Under-Fire) Award: 
    This award recognises acts of heroism, bravery and fortitude demonstrated by Drivers during the course of the year. 
Isak Gaoseb, XCCS Namibia