
Von Seydlitz promises employment, housing

Home National Von Seydlitz promises employment, housing
Von Seydlitz promises employment, housing

SWAKOPMUND – United People’s Movement candidate for the upcoming Swakopmund constituency by-election, Bernhard von Seydlitz urged Swakopmund residents to go out in numbers and vote if they want change in Swakopmund.

Von Seydlitz was speaking at the UPM rally in the Swakopmund DRC settlement last weekend in preparations for the election, where he urged Swakopmund residents to trust him in this strategic position.

“I have seen the struggle of the majority of our residents. The endless battle of local authorities to cope with the demands of urbanisation is no secret. That is why the land occupation is high on our agenda. Therefore, vote for me,” Von Seydlitz told the gathering.

He said UPM is conscious of the fact that improving the lives of the citizenry without land occupation is a challenge that needs to be tackled in Swakopmund.

However, it is up to you, the voters of Swakopmund constituency, to go in numbers to elect the person and movement that will best represent you. I understand the concerns and plights of my fellow residents and therefore, wish to assure you of my intention to bring positive tangible changes to burning issues like unemployment, housing, land affordability, state healthcare facilities, value addition to raw mining products,” he said.

Von Seydlitz also expressed concern over the high unemployment in Swakopmund, saying once elected into office, he will bring investors not only to Swakopmund but the whole Erongo region.

“The mines in the Erongo have a responsibility to improve the living conditions of all residents in their region. Sadly, with so many mines in this region, one fails to understand why such social responsibility has been ignored,” he stated.

Meanwhile, the party also registered its strong opposition to the proposed marine phosphate mining off the Namibian coast, claiming the exploitation of a non-renewable resource would, through chemical pollution, do irreplaceable damage to the fish stock and other marine resources.

“Our representative would make sure that measures are put in place to ensure the full implementation of regulations that safeguard the preservation of our marine resources in terms of the Namibian constitution,” the party said.

Apart from Von Seydlitz, one independent candidate and six political parties will be battling it out in the Swakopmund constituency by-election on 12 August 2022.

Current Swakopmund mayor Louisa Kativa will represent the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) while Swapo will also be represented by one of the former mayors of Swakopmund, Nehemiah Solomon. The United Democratic Front (UDF) candidate is Zerolda Dantu.

The Landless People’s Movement (LPM) nominated Hilaria Musheka as their candidate.
