Voter registration starts today

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Voter registration starts today

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) is ready to oversee the general registration of voters in the country, starting today until 1 August 2024.

It’s all systems go as the commission has established 4 297 registration points in all 14 regions, 121 constituencies and 35 Namibian diplomatic missions abroad. The ECN’s chief electoral and referenda officer, Petrus Shaama, said in a statement that the commission’s position is that the registration of voters will not be extended, calling on eligible Namibians in the country and abroad to register within their constituencies during the specified period.

“In execution of its electoral calendar, the commission managed to constitute 567 registration teams to be deployed in all 14 regions and 121 constituencies across the country. 

35 registration teams are to be deployed at all 35 Namibian diplomatic missions abroad, giving a total of 602 teams for the registration of voters.”

He added that vehicles for all the 567 registration teams were secured and deployed to all regions and constituencies across the country.

The commission also rolled out robust civic and voter education campaigns in all regions and constituencies, with the introduction of the ‘Lead Youth Ambassador’ to encourage the youth to register and ensure their active participation in the electoral process.

Please register 

The Swapo Party’s secretary for information Hilma Nicanor urged members to come out in large numbers to register and vote for its candidate, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, in the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections in November.

“Swapo structures at various levels, regions, districts, branches, and sections, including its wings and affiliates, are urged to ensure that all Swapo members are mobilised and encouraged to register to vote. Our collective and primary objective is to ensure a landslide victory for Swapo and its presidential candidate,” she said.

 Nicanor added that Swapo as a revolutionary movement has stood the test of time, broken the jaws of colonialism, and liberated Namibia.

“As we continue to build the Namibian house, we are going into this election as a united front, encapsulated in our election campaign theme: Unity in Diversity, Natural Resources’ Beneficiation and Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development,” she stated.

“The upcoming elections present us with a significant opportunity to continue making meaningful and tangible progress on the socio-economic development front. It presents us with an opportunity to continue improving the lives of our people. It further presents an opportunity to continue unlocking the maximum potential of our country, in which the hopes and aspirations of all our people will be realised,” she continued.

Landless People’s Movement (LPM) youth leader Duminga Ndala said young Namibians should participate in this exercise because it’s one way of following political processes and decision-making processes. “I think it’s time that young people are involved in the political space. In most cases, they feel far from politics. I believe involving themselves and coming out in numbers in this exercise will send a message,” she told New Era yesterday. Ndala indicated that young people need to participate in this exercise for them to bring about change.

She said participating in this registration exercise would yield a high voter turnout in the hope of exercising their democratic right to vote. Voting means seeking alternatives, as they are disenfranchised by the services that are being provided, she added.

“With the LPM youth command element that we are currently using, we are drafting the youth manifesto. This youth manifesto helped us engage young people in different sectors of the economy, whether it’s tourism, education or other sectors. We have been holding door-to-door engagements with Namibians, and will continue to do so,” she said.

Ndala called on all Namibians, especially those constituting the majority youth, to register and vote. She stated that change is inevitable, giving reference to the turn of events in South Africa’s elections, which saw the ruling ANC fail to get 50%+.

Namibia’s ambassador to the USA Margareth Mensah-Williams last week issued a notice, informing Namibians in America to get ready and register to vote at the embassy in Washington.

“We encourage everyone to take part and register for the upcoming general elections in November 2024. The general registration of voters will take place at the embassy of Namibia in Washington, D.C.,” she stated.

The general registration of voters will be open to the public in the country and at the respective foreign missions abroad from 08h00 until 19h00, Mondays to Saturdays.

-additional reporting by Nampa

