
WAD capacitates 131 youth in Aminuis

Home Youth Corner WAD capacitates 131 youth in Aminuis

AMINUIS – The Deputy Minister of Gender Equality and Child Welfare Lucia Witbooi has urged the youth to safeguard the skills acquired during the courses conducted by Women’s Action for Development (WAD) and make sure such skills are put to good use. 

She was speaking during the WAD’s graduation of 131 unemployed young people in the Aminuis Constituency in the Omaheke last week Thursday.

“These skills should elevate you as individuals to better your chances in life when it comes to 
finding or creating jobs,” she said.

She further noted WAD has been at the forefront of capacity building and many other community development-oriented activities in our nation for the past 24 years now, and in that regard has made a significant improvement to the lives of many youth, women and men alike in all the regions of this country.

The youth have been trained in the under-mentioned subjects by WAD another field day which is preceded by a successful basic skills training in needlework and tailoring, office administration and computer literacy as well as hospitality and tourism. 
According to WAD’s Executive Director Salatiel Shinedima, some of those receiving certificates have successfully completed informative courses on human rights, aspects of the Namibian constitution and gender related laws, GBV and substance abuse. 

“With this you are empowered with knowledge about the gender laws of our country, which will enable you to understand the different provisions of our laws and help you to become an active and law abiding citizen,” said Shinedima.
He noted those training interventions are aimed at empowering youths with basic skills that will enable youth to start their own income generating activities or seek employment.

“Even though you have just received the very basic knowledge of these skills, I believe that it is better than having no knowledge at all. And it will go a long way in improving your lives and the lives of those that depend on you,” he elaborated.
The event was witnessed by the councillor of the constituency and the member of the National Council Peter Kapeota, who encourage youths to put the skills they gained to good use in order to help in developing the constituency and the region at large.