
Wambuseun says bye to music

Home Lifestyle Wambuseun says bye to music

The pioneer of Afrikaans rap in Namibia, Wambuseun real name Lownan Nangombe will be retiring from the music business after 22 years of serving as the notable black Afrikaans rapper in the country.
In an interview with Entertainment Now! the ‘Lang wag’ singer said he has done his part and now is the time to retire so he focuses on raising his children.

“The reason I am retiring is that I want to focus my priority, which is raising my kids, I have been doing music for two decades which is a lot of years and I am done,” said the father of two daughters.

Wambuseun has done remarkable work in the industry throughout his music career such as launching a 24-hour urban music channel ‘This TV’ which made quite an impact on the music industry, and also sold 13 000 units of his first album.
The veteran rapper was the first local artist to perform at the popular music festival Huisgenoot’s Hart van Windhoek in 2014 among music giants from across the continent.

“One has got to leave while on their peak and I think I am on my peak and it’s time to leave,” he noted.
The highly confident rapper believes he has contributed quite enough to the industry and it’s time for other artists to take over.
“If you look at the new generation of musicians, you would think to a certain extent that you have contributed to what they are today. It is a good feeling to know that you have done your part,” he stated, adding that he is proud to have achieved much in the music scene and contribute to what was not there.

Wambuseun would like to give the new artists a chance to capitalise on what is already there.
“The current Afrikaans rappers that we have, have not done justice to the culture of Afrikaans and I think I am leaving a gap. It’s not about who is the best but if some feel, I have not done enough, it’s up to them to add what I have not added and leave it to the next person because we can’t do things on our own” he narrated.

Wambuseun will be releasing his second and last album ‘Niks is dieselfde nie’ at the end of the year.
According to him, the album will be about his growth in the industry.

“It’s about the changes that have happened. Working on a project I realised how far I have gone and how everything starts falling in place, I have realised I have evolved and that nothing is the same,” said Wambuseun explaining the motive behind the title of the album.
 The rapper launched an online talk show ‘Real talk with Wambuseun’ which is about engaging the nation and the world on things that matter and of public interest.
‘Real talk with Wambuseun’ is live every Friday on Facebook around 19h00.- ashikololo@nepc.com.na