
Wanderers, United annual derby tomorrow

Home Sports Wanderers, United annual derby tomorrow

WINDHOEK – The Wanderers sports grounds in Pionierspark will be a hive of activity when traditional rivals FNB Wanderers and Trustco United confront each other in the 62nd edition of the annual derby between the two clubs tomorrow.

The chairman of the Wanderers Rugby Club Dannie van der Merwe said the 62-year old traditional sports bonanza, which started in 1952 between the two clubs could be compared to the Varsity Cup in South Africa. “At that time, it was decided to play once a year against each other for a floating trophy and that tradition remained up to this day. In those years, clubs had up to 4 teams each and although the games were mere friendlies, the competition was fierce.”

In all these years, it was only one year in the 80’s that the derby was skipped, because there was no suitable date available as a result of the national team’s tight programme. Ingrid Goeieman, Manager Donations and Sponsorships of FNB Namibia says any sport in Namibia deserves support from the private sector and while FNB realizes that football is the most widely played and most spectator-supported sport, the company nevertheless feels smaller sport codes also warrant its support. “We are known as the sports bank as we value and assist numerous sports codes in our country, ranging from gymnastics, to netball, tennis, cricket, rugby, soccer, horse-riding and table tennis – to mention a few. Sports is healthy and it unifies a nation, while ensuring its citizens enjoy a beneficial pasttime.”

FNB came on board many years ago for the annual derby, while it also sponsors Wanderers rugby teams. This year, the bank also threw its weight behind Wanderers netball. Action gets underway tomorrow morning with the netball teams grilling each other in exhibition matches before rugby takes centre stage in the afternoon.


By Staff Reporter