Two of wanted robbers are habitual criminals

Home Crime and Courts Two of wanted robbers are habitual criminals


Two of the three fugitives described as extremely dangerous were free on bail and had more than one robbery case pending at the Katutura Magistrate’s Court, police sources say.

A senior police officer, who revealed to New Era that two of the three suspects – wanted in connection with the armed robbery involving N$170 000 at the fuel service station in Pionierspark on Monday – faced multiple pending robbery cases before the Katutura Magistrate’s Court and were out on bail at the time of the recent robbery. The officer cannot be named, as they do not have authorisation to speak to the media.

The suspects are currently on the run and warrants of arrests will be issued soon, police sources said. Photos of the three suspects were released by the police on Tuesday.

Nampa reported on Tuesday, quoting onlookers at the scene, that the owner had fired shots at the robbers who fled the scene after looting the money, but no one was injured during the shoot-out.
The group fled the scene in a black Volkswagen Jetta that was later found abandoned after one of its tyres had a blowout along Hendrik Witbooi Drive behind Pionierspark and the Western Bypass. The armed gang apparently fled on foot in the direction of Rocky Crest.

The robbers absconded with the loot. Close to the abandoned car, a pair of blue overalls was found that could be linked to one of the suspects, it was reported.

Inspector Slogan Matheus from the police public relations department informed New Era on Tuesday that no one has been arrested in connection with the robbery and referred questions to Chief Inspector Kauna Shikwambi, but she could not be reached.