War vets, chiefs roundly condemn Swartbooi

Home Front Page News War vets, chiefs roundly condemn Swartbooi

Kuzeeko Tjitemisa 
Steven Klukowski 

An association of struggle veterans and Council of Traditional Leaders have added their voices to the chorus of growing condemnation by Namibians shocked by the behaviour of Landless People’s Movement (LPM) party leader Bernadus Swartbooi who recently called the Founding President Sam Nujoma a “thug and liar”. 
Namibia National Liberation Veterans Association (NNLVA) president, Ben Shikongo yesterday addressing the media said as the liberators of the country, they would under no circumstances tolerate such utterances against Nujoma or any other leaders at all levels, irrespective of the party they represent. 

“Calling Dr Nujoma a ‘thug’ and a ‘liar’ in parliament is unpardonable and must be vehemently condemned. People sacrificed their lives and shed blood for this country to be free. We cannot allow such insults any longer,” Shikongo stated emphatically.
Shikongo says to veterans of the national liberation struggle, the majority of them former Plan fighters, Nujoma is their undisputed hero and leader of the Namibian revolution.
“Dr Nujoma is a treasure and gem and those political hooligans insulting him should take note that they are revoking the pain we endured during the bitter and long struggle, where many of our brave sons and daughters sacrificed their precious lives,” he said.
He said the association noted of late with a hardened heart there is anarchy in the National Assembly (NA) and that the Namibian house is under siege. 

“We, therefore, request the honourable Speaker of the National Assembly and to apply the Chamber’s code of conduct and lay charges against the two LPM leaders, namely, Swartbooi and Henny Seibeb in particular for their possible immediate permanent removal from the August House,” he stated.

He said this should also apply to any other members of the House who happen to contravene the rules of the House. 
Deputy chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders, Gaob Immanuel ≠Nu-Axa /Gâseb condemned in the strongest terms the growing fashion of unbecoming behaviour displayed by Swartbooi and his deputy Henny Seibeb in parliament, saying their behaviour puts the entire parliament in a “very bad light.”

“Parliament, in our view, is a house of outstanding and well-bred people, the nation and indeed the younger generation aspiring for future leadership are looking up to the National Assembly as a house of lawmakers with the highest regard of honour,” /Gâseb said.
He added that traditional leaders with their communities are already traumatised by the spread of coronavirus in the poor rural communities, therefore, they do not wish to see a further disturbance in the nation.

Meanwhile, outspoken Swapo party //Kharas regional coordinator Matheus Mumbala also condemned in the strongest terms Swartbooi’s insults, saying that the insults are more of self-hate or an inferiority complex.
“Former President Nujoma left office in 2015 already but the LPM is always looking for ways to discredit him,” the regional coordinator said. 
He also said it was Nujoma who led the liberation struggle till victory, but that LPM failed to remember former persons like Verwoerd and Von Trotha exacted atrocities on the Namibian nation.

“The Swapo party in the //Kharas region, therefore, calls on lawmakers to refrain from this misplaced anger as parliament is there to make laws that benefit all Namibians rather than being a Hollywood entertaining celebrities,” Mumbala said. 
He called on Swapo parliamentarians to present more issues regarding the betterment of the Namibian nation as a whole instead of allowing the likes of Swartbooi and others to abuse and misuse the National Assembly for selfish gain.