
Water Flows into Katima Houses

Home Archived Water Flows into Katima Houses

By Chrispin Inambao Katima Mulilo The constantly rising water level in the Zambezi River started flooding houses occupied by the manager and the senior accountant at Bank Windhoek who are stationed in Katima Mulilo, prompting them to start evacuating their houses. By 09h10 yesterday morning the water level was exactly on the 7,00-meter mark when a New Era journalist visited the stout concrete pillar to which the gauge plate for measuring floods and the level of the water is attached. Last Friday the level was 6,85 m and on Thursday it stood at 6,80 m – a level much higher than those from preceding floods. The two houses whose yards were swamped with water are opposite Mukusi River Lodge where schools of fish have moved into the guesthouses and the reception area. In Boma, the floods have submerged the lodge, possibly causing extensive structural damage. The name of the accountant whose house is flooded is Peter Nakurua. His friend Daniel Khoeseb, who was assisting with relocating the family’s possessions as the accountant is out of town, said Nakurua’s yard started flooding at around 18h00 on Saturday. A small orchard where banana, mango and orange trees as well as strawberries are planted is under water and the floodwater from the lodge has formed a furious stream across the road. Settlements and crop fields in the low-lying areas in Kabbe, Lisikili, Sifoha, Schuckmannsburg, Namiyundu, Kasika and Muzii are flooded. Flooding has also inundated crop fields at Sangwali and other settlements in Linyanti constituency.