
We cannot let our elders decide for us – Shikomba

Home Youth Corner We cannot let our elders decide for us – Shikomba

WINDHOEK – Fillemon Shikomba says the youth cannot continue to let the elders decide for them. “We understand the issues close to our hearts; we are the ones to change our situation. The politics in our country is lacking good leadership and it is up to us to fill that void, hence the voices of young people matter,” he stipulated. 

The young Namibian who does legal research and conflict resolution work at the United Nation headquarters in New York was answering questions posted by Youth Corner on what the young lawmakers heading to parliament next year should do to represent the youth and the importance of young Namibians having an interest in politics. 

“We need to step forward and make ourselves available for leadership. There is a reason why our governments are not performing as well as they should, that reason is our failure to get involved,” stated Shikomba. 

He further said the youth can influence change from within various political organisations by actively seeking to take up leadership roles.  

Youth Corner learned the National Assembly will be embraced by the presence of young parliamentarians which include Inaa Hengari, aged 23 years from Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) and Utaara Mootu (23) from Landless People’s Movement (LPM). 

Shikomba said young parliamentarians are faced with a serious challenge in shifting the conversation.

“The task ahead is not easy. The greater expectation is that they address key issues affecting young people, they must push the youth agenda radically and unapologetically,” he advised. 

He said there is a need for young people to be at the forefront, especially those who are not afraid to speak up and stand up for what they believe in. The youth must put the country above politics and engage with decorum.  

The 27-year-old Master of Laws (LLM) holder mentioned that parliament must be an institution that effectively represents all Namibians hence the young lawmakers are expected to carry out their legislative roles in a way that is demonstrably in the public interest. 

“I am expecting the young parliamentarians to address issues about anti-corruption, accelerating the pace of development, housing, women’s rights and tribalism among others,” anticipated Shikomba. 

He said they are the ones to lay a strong foundation for more young people to join politics. “As a young person I feel very strongly about the powerful transition in our politics which will finally give room for intergenerational dialogue, I am encouraging them to create more avenues of leadership for other young people,” he hinted. 

He further stated they will be the minority which will create room for suppression of their views, but they must see that as an opportunity to stand out. “They must allow their voices to soar loudly on behalf of every young Namibian. Young people are not just looking for opportunities, young people are the opportunity,” concluded Shikomba.

By Paheja Siririka