
We will be observers – AR

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We will be observers – AR

WALVIS BAY – The Affirmative Repositioning movement says it will not field any candidate to contest the upcoming Swakopmund constituency by-election nor will the pressure group back any political party or independent candidate.

The movement in a statement issued on Sunday said the highest decision-making body of AR, the Interim National Activists Council (INAC), at a meeting held on Saturday, decided not to back any political party or endorse anyone.

“The AR election immune booster won’t be made available to endorse or back up the candidacy of anyone participating in the Swakopmund by-election as our current focus is set on reorganisation, institutionalisation, and formalisation in line with the AR Revolutionary Guide,” the interim chairperson of INAC Knowledge Ipinge told New Era.

Ipinge then advised all activists in the region to rather channel their focus on establishing AR communities in every location, informal 

settlement and every suburb across Erongo region over the next few months.

“We need to be the watchdogs of our communities and that should be our primary focus for now,” he said.


UPM in the race


Meanwhile, the United People’s Movement (UPM) also announced that they will contest the Swakopmund constituency by-election. 

UPM on Friday indicated that Swakopmund community activist Bernhard von Seydlitz will be the party’s candidate.

“He is already hard at work in the community of Swakopmund to show his abilities as the next regional councillor for the Swakopmund constituency office.  We are confident that Von Seydlitz is the best candidate for the job,” the party said.

“His political acumen and educational background aroused enough confidence in the United People’s Movement to select him as our candidate for the upcoming by-election.”

The party also indicated that they will launch their elections manifesto on 16 July in Swakopmund.

United Democratic Front president Apius Auchab also indicated that they will not have an election process for the by-election but will endorse their previous candidate Zerolda Mutani Dantu as their candidate for the Swakopmund seat. 

At the time of going to print, Swapo had not yet confirmed its candidate for the by-election. 

Popular Democratic Movement coordinator for Erongo Rodger Nautoro said they will confirm their candidate during the course of the week.


ECN ready


Meanwhile, the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) on Friday indicated preparations are well on course for the by-election.

According to a statement issued by the chief electoral officer Theo Mujoro, the last date for nominations for independent candidates is 2 July.

He added the voter education campaign for this by-election has been ongoing in the constituency and will intensify from 18 July in the build-up to polling day.

“Materials have been developed explaining the voting process on how to vote using ballot papers and the correct marking of ballot papers in different languages, in an effort to increase the electorates’ confidence,” he explained.

According to Mujoro, the voters registered for the constituency prior to the supplementary registration were 35 281, while during supplementary registration 1 716 eligible voters registered, of which 713 are new applications.

“A total number of 911 duplicate cards were issued during the supplementary voter’s registration process.  The provisional voter’s register (PVR) was displayed for public scrutiny and objections on 13 June 2022. However, no objections were recorded. The register will be available on 27 July 2022,” he said.

– edeklerk@nepc.com.na