
Welwitschias out to blood the Bulls … riding on the crest of a wave

Home Featured Welwitschias out to blood the Bulls … riding on the crest of a wave
Welwitschias out to blood the Bulls  … riding on the crest of a wave

By Otniel Hembapu

WINDHOEK – Not even the Vodacom Blue Bulls’ Currie Cup record of 13 trophies or their well documented success in the highly competitive South African Vodacom Cup will deter Namibian rugby coach Danie Vermeulen and his brigades in tomorrow’s friendly at the Hage Geingob Stadium.

The national rugby squad the Welwitschias take on the visiting South African Blue Bulls in a preparatory match for the forthcoming CAR (Confederation of African Rugby) Division-1A qualification tourney slated for Madagascar later this month.

The game forms part of the Welwitschias preparations for the trip to Madagascar, which represents the final round of qualifying matches for the Rugby World Cup (RWC) 2015 in London.

Having beaten Western Province in a friendly clash last weekend, Vermeulen’s charges still very much have fire in their bellies. He said they would go full out against the Bulls, as the match against opponents of such magnitude will serve as a fitting test for the homeboys before they depart for Madagascar

Local rugby lovers are eager to see if the Welwitschias can repeat their success of last weekend. Vermeulen said the match would also serve as a platform to perfect the team’s playing style and combinations.

On paper, the visitors are the favourites to walk away as victors because of their experience, the level of competition in their domestic league and the various playing conditions players are exposed to in South Africa, but the Namibians have vowed to make it an unpleasant visit for them.

Needless to say, the Welwitschias have a lot resting on their shoulders and will be expected to throw everything in the way of the Bulls to prove a point or two, if that’s what it would take to  win.