Windhoek runs for health

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WINDHOEK – As part of the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s 71st anniversary and World Health Day commemoration, which took place earlier this month, the United Nations community in Namibia and stakeholders in the health sector joined the public in the walk/run for health initiative on Saturday. 

The walk/run for health event attracted people who are fitness and health conscious from all corners of Windhoek, with some traveling from as far as Okongo in the Ohangwena Region to participate. Some families took along their young children to participate in the event.

WHO Country Representative Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, who participated in the event which was hosted by Windhoek City Runners’ Club with the support of WHO, said he was impressed with the turnout, telling participants that they made an investment in their health. 

Last week at the launch of the walk/run for health, Sagoe-Moses said health is a human right and the global community has agreed through the Sustainable Development Goals and specifically SDG 3 ‘Good health and wellbeing’ that everyone should have the information and services they need to take care of their own health as well as the health of their families. 
“At the heart of it, primary health care is about caring for people and helping them to improve their health and maintain their wellbeing rather than just treating a single disease or condition,” Sagoe-Moses said last week. 
The Executive Director in the Ministry of Health and Social Services Ben Nangombe who took part in the 15 kilometre race said it was challenging. 

“We are proud of the turnout and your tenacity (throughout the race and walk),” Nangombe told the participants. 
“If you cannot run, walk and if you cannot walk crawl…just keep moving,” he said, adding that in an era where non-communicable diseases are common, exercise is one way to fight the diseases. 
The Deputy Executive Director in the Ministry of Health and Social Services Bertha Katjivena participated in the five kilometres run. 

“It was marvellous,” said Katjivena. She also stressed keeping healthy is an individual choice. “If you don’t do it for yourself who can do it for you? Exercise increases individual’s lifespan,” added Katjivena who was accompanied by her daughter.
Speaking to Heath Focus, Mwaala Shaanika and Henock Hanga said the weather was great because they started the race at 06h00 in the morning.  Exercise reduces stress and is a form of recreational activity, Shaanika said. 
“Living a healthy lifestyle makes people more productive at work and prevents diseases. Your blood circulates well and it prevents heart diseases. 

Exercise is for everyone whether young or old and in Namibia, we do not really have many recreational facilities, so this is one way to have healthy fun,” said Shaanika, a member of the Windhoek City Runners’ Club.  
Another fitness enthusiast who participated in the event was media personality Denver Kisting, who embraced fitness as a lifestyle about two years ago. 

“I’m running to save my life,” said Kisting, adding that running has had a holistic impact on his health. His overall productivity has increased, he is mentally sharp and it has enhanced his quality of life in addition to making him look young, said Kisting.