Windpomp 14’s ‘swart bobbejane’ video causes stir

Home Archived Windpomp 14’s ‘swart bobbejane’ video causes stir

Eveline de Klerk
Walvis Bay

A confrontation between three security guards of Namibia Protection Services and Walvis Bay resident Willem de Klerk, who called them swart bobbejane (black baboons), has caused quite a commotion on social networks.

A 26-second video clip in which De Klerk is punched at least three times by one of the security guards for swearing at them and using other derogatory language surfaced on Sunday morning on social media, including Whatsapp groups.

The incident took place at Windpomp 14, a recreational resort between Swakopmund and Henties Bay, in full view of guests who included women and children.
De Klerk was allegedly under the influence of alcohol when he apparently became a nuisance to other visitors at the resort on Saturday.

According to witness Shaldon Isaaks, who filmed the video, De Klerk allegedly then wanted to urinate on the floor of the facility.

He was approached by one of the security guards and asked not to do so and rather use the bathroom facilities as children were also present.

But De Klerk became aggressive and swore at the security guards in a very offensive manner and even went as far as calling them ‘black baboons’ in Afrikaans. His choice of words infuriated the security guards and a physical scuffle ensued.

Bertus Struwig, on behalf of Windpomp 14 owners, management and staff released a statement on Sunday condemning De Klerk’s behaviour.

“We are disgusted and strongly condemn this juvenile behaviour and the unacceptable incident. We failed miserably as this character was set to cause the day’s drama and make social media headlines. We hope this gentleman is as embarrassed as we are,” Struwig said

He also apologised to the security guards whom he said had to suffer being insulted by De Klerk.

“I’m totally amazed that we still have such human elements in this great country. Our doors will always be closed to you (De Klerk),” he said.
When contacted yesterday De Klerk told New Era that it was an unfortunate incident and that he will take the blame for it.

“However the clip does not show the whole incident and only the confrontation. The whole thing was taken out of context. However it is not an excuse for my behaviour,” he said.

He also denied allegations that he was dancing with his pants down.
“Some of the things said on Facebook are not true but I take full responsibility for my actions but I am not the only one to blame,” he said, adding that he will personally apologise to whomever was affected by his actions.

“One thing I can say is that I am not a racist,” he said.
When contacted for comment, Namibia Protection Services CEO Kobus Visser said he is disappointed in the behaviour of De Klerk.

“We don’t promote violence but at this stage we fully support our guards as they did not deserve such treatment regardless of what the situation was.”