
Winds cause damage to Otjozondjupa schools

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Winds cause damage to Otjozondjupa schools

Zebaldt Ngaruka 


Learners of the Okakarara Primary School in the Otjozondjupa region who returned to school yesterday to start the new academic year were sent home immediately to prevent them from getting injured by the wrecked materials following the strong wind that blew the roofs off some of their classrooms.

Okakarara PS principal Erastus Martin told New Era the strong wind accompanied by rain destroyed seven classrooms at the school.

“The strong wind started at around 23h50 on Sunday, and lasted for 30 minutes or so. The damage is huge, and we are awaiting the regional education inspectors to come and assess the situation,” he added.

“Our registration process is not affected, but we cannot allow learners to go inside the classrooms at the moment,” Martin emphasised. 

Five Osire PS teachers’ houses and the boundary wall at the Okahandja Secondary School in the same region were also destroyed on Sunday. 

The acting regional inspector of education for Otjozondjupa, Uerivangera Tjivikua, said it’s very unfortunate that the destruction happened at this crucial time of the year.




“We spoke to our Works inspector, and a team will be sent out to see the situation on the ground at Okakarara. We accessed Osire yesterday, and we will have temporary solutions for the teachers’ accommodation,” he told this publication.

Tjivikua said the Osire situation is not easy to assist with as the nearest accommodation is 30 kilometres away at Namwater premises, which would require transport for the educators to come to school. 

“The other alternatives for the teachers might be tents, as their furniture is currently stored in the school library,” he continued.

On the Okakarara situation, the inspector said once the report is compiled, temporary solutions will be in place so that learning cannot be affected. 

“We might have a platoon system, whereby some learners might attend classes in the afternoon in the interim.  The Okahandja Secondary School has now bolstered their security officers to guard the boundary wall,” Tjivikua noted. 

The winds also caused damage to the Okakarara settlement, where electricity, roads and communications networks are affected.


Photos: Wind
