
Woman allegedly raped by four men

Home National Woman allegedly raped by four men
Woman allegedly raped by four men

ONTANANGA – A woman who was carrying her baby on the back, was allegedly raped by four men.

The incident happened on 8 July at Ontananga B village in the Oshikoto region.

According to the Oshikoto police spokesperson Ellen Nehale, it is alleged that the 26-year-old victim was walking from the cuca shops with her nine-month-old baby on the back.

The four suspects followed her into the darkness and ordered her to sit down.

“They removed her clothes and the baby and covered her face with a cloth. Suspects threatened the victim not to scream else they would kill her. All four suspects had sexual intercourse with the victim,” she narrated.

Suspects left her in the bushes and when the victim went home, she did not inform anybody, as she was afraid for her life since the suspects stay in the same village with her.

She only disclosed it to a neighbour last week on 25 July, after experiencing abdominal pains. The victim was then taken to Onandjokwe Hospital for treatment and reported the case at Ondangwa police.

She is a domestic worker at Ontananga B village.

All suspects are known and efforts are underway to trace and apprehend them.

Meanwhile, a 28-year-old woman was allegedly also raped by her neighbour on 5 July at Opembelonga village.

According to the police, it’s alleged that the victim was in the house with her minor daughter when the suspect, who is a neighbour, came into the house to sell his cell phone to the victim.

After receiving the money, he pushed the victim inside the sleeping room, held her at knife point, undressed her and had sexual intercourse under coercive circumstances.

Initially, the lady did not report the incident, as she was afraid of the suspect.

She then narrated the incident to one of her neighbours who encouraged her to report the matter to the police, which she did.

The suspect is known but not arrested as he fled when the police came looking for him.

Efforts are underway to trace and arrest him.

Police have urged the public to always report rape cases on time so that police can react fast and investigate the matter effectively.

Police also urged rape victims to immediately go to hospitals for early treatment.

– fhamalwa@nepc.com.na