Woman gang-raped by five men

Home Crime and Courts Woman gang-raped by five men

 Selma Ikela
 John Muyamba 

Five unknown men allegedly gang-raped a 23-year-old woman at a house in Windhoek’s Otjomuise on Friday evening.
According to the weekly police crime report, the victim and her friend were invited for drinks and after sometime, the victim reportedly passed out.
When the woman regained her consciousness, she realised that five suspects were having sexual intercourse with her, making turns. No arrests have been made and police investigations continue. 

In an unrelated matter, a case of rape and human trafficking was opened against two truck drivers at the weekend after they allegedly raped and kidnapped a 19-year-old girl at Nkurenkuru. The rape incident reportedly happened while the suspects and victim were on their way to Tsumeb last week Friday. 

“It is just that the incident was not brought to us on time, but what happened is that the victim was called by the unknown truck driver and she went to that truck driver and they exchanged numbers,” said the regional police commander for Kavango West, Commissioner Josephat Abel. 
The victim reported that the suspects had sex with her three times each without her consent. 
“At the moment, we have less to say about the suspects, we can’t reveal much, but the victim says she can identify the suspects by face but she doesn’t know their name,” said Abel. 

No arrests have been made yet. In another matter, a 29-year-old man allegedly raped his 19-year-old niece on Saturday evening at Swakopmund. “It is alleged the suspect invited the victim from a certain house where they were partying to accompany him to his place to fetch a smaller vehicle.

At the house, the suspect allegedly grabbed her, forcefully removed her clothes and had sexual intercourse with her without her consent. 
The suspect was arrested and was expected to appear in the local magistrate’s court,” the police said. In another case, a 25-year-old University of Namibia student was allegedly defrauded N$5 000 by an unknown suspect who claimed to call on behalf of MTC and told him he won money from the telecommunications company. The suspect told the victim that he needed to follow cellphone-banking steps to request a withdrawal PIN and send it to the suspect. 

“After which the suspect withdrew the money and switched off the phone. No recovery or arrest has been made,” read the police report.
– sikela@nepc.com.na