
Woman granted bail for fraud

Home Crime and Courts Woman granted bail for fraud


A woman was granted bail in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Thursday after being charged with corruptly using false documents to defraud the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry.
Bernatha Suzetta Freyer was granted bail of N$5 000 by magistrate Justine Asino. She faced two counts of fraud.

Court documents indicate that Freyer faces two counts of fraud, the first pertaining to a purchase order for goods by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry valued at N$28 504.28. The second charge pertains to a purchase order for goods by the same ministry for N$22 613.93.
In both instances the goods were never delivered, but Freyer allegedly pocketed the money. The court records do not indicate what goods they were.

Freyer was represented by Kadhila Amoomo of Sisa Namandje & Co law firm.
Amoomo pleaded for bail to be reduced to N$3 000, but Asino denied the request and the bail remained fixed at N$5000. The prosecutor was Tatelo Lusepani.