
Woman savagely battered by lover

Home Featured Woman savagely battered by lover

TSUMEB – The 38-year-old Frieda Nauses suffered serious wounds to her head and arms in a gruesome attack by her boyfriend in the early hours of Sunday morning in the Soweto suburb of Nomtsoub in Tsumeb.

The heavily traumatized victim of yet another gender-based violence attack allegedly by her lover, related to New Era how her jealous boyfriend battered her about ten times on her head and arms.

Medical personnel at Lombard hospital confirmed Nauses suffered a broken left arm and serious injuries to her head. She was admitted to hospital on Sunday morning at 01h00.

Nauses’ neighbours, who preferred anonymity, said they heard a woman screaming around midnight (Sunday) when her lover who was suspected to be heavily under the influence of either alcohol or drugs reportedly attacked her with a club.

“He made her to count every time he landed the knobkierie on her body. It was very cruel of him to molest a helpless woman as if he was beating an animal,” said the source.

Police could not confirm the arrest of the suspect at the time of going to press since the victim could not lay formal charges yet due to the severity of her injuries.

Violence against women and children has taken a heavy toll on its victims in most parts of the country despite appeals by government and other stakeholders for “prayers” to stop the killings and attacks.

Oshikoto Governor Penda ya Ndakolo described the attack on Nauses as “barbaric” and called upon communities to condemn such acts of violence against women. He stressed men are supposed to take up their responsibility as protectors of women and children in society seriously, instead of maiming and killing them.

“Men that are relocating from other regions to my region should really behave and respect the peace in Oshikoto. I think they need serious teaching because we cannot tolerate men that disregard the concept of

peaceful co-existence with our women and children. Men would never see the sunshine were it not for a woman  giving birth to them. They should stop killing our mothers,” said an emotionally charged Ya Ndakolo.

Meanwhile, Pastor Esau Hoaeb, an expert in transformational leadership development has expressed the need for the establishment of more rehabilitation centres in the country to render “anger management” courses to the youth, as well as both adult men and women.

“Men that are committing such cruel acts of violence usually hail from a violent background in their upbringing. We cannot ignore such realities, we need to rehabilitate our people as soon as possible though it is a costly exercise,” stated Hoaeb.

It is reported that the cost to rehabilitate one person at a private rehabilitation centre in the country could be as high as N$20 000 over three to six months.

Pastor Hoaeb noted that he was engaging in consultations with stakeholders on the establishment of such a centre once a location in northern Namibia was identified.


By Engel Nawatiseb