Woman shares birthday spoils with destitute family

Home National Woman shares birthday spoils with destitute family

A jobless woman spent her 50th birthday by feeding and donating several items to a destitute family from the Goreangab informal settlement. 
Liina Risager, who turned 50 on Saturday, showed up with her children, children’s friends, her friends and her niece at the house of Peneombili Shindume to celebrate the 50-year milestone.  

About two weeks ago, New Era wrote about the plight of Shindume (35) and her children, one of whom is wheelchair-bound. Shindume and her family survive on handouts and sometimes go without having a meal for days on end.
On Saturday, Risager treated Shindume’s family to drinks and a variety of food the donor prepared herself. She also handed out clothes and food to the poverty-stricken family.

“I cooked food. I turned 50 years and all that I got for my birthday I donated to the family. My husband is in Mozambique and he sent me some money I spent on the things I brought you here,” remarked the unemployed Risager, who is also looking for work. 
She has experience in accounting, project management and administration. 
Risager, whose parents are both deceased and was raised by her grandmother, calls herself a mother of orphans and the needy. “Every child who does not have anything, I am their mother,” she said.

Risager said her home is always full and that she opened her garage to her elder son’s university friends to study during Covid-19, as institutions have cancelled lectures. She shares the little food she has with them.
After learning about Shindume’s plight, Risager approached some considerate people, including church members, who responded positively. She advised Shindume and her unbaptised children to get christened.

Shindume and her children do not also have national documents that will enable the disabled boy to qualify for a government social grant. She hails from Angola and has been living in Namibian for 16 years. The father of her children is a Namibian but lives in a different town. Risager requested President Hage Geingob to buy for the family a bed and three blankets, as the disabled boy sleeps on the floor, which is unpleasant for weathers such as winter. “If he does it, God will bless him.” She further asked the President to assist her in acquiring land because she does not have a place of her own so that she can cultivate it and feed the needy.

Shindume, in turn, expressed gratitude to Risager for coming to celebrate her birthday with her.
Community policing member Selma Nambonde, who alerted New Era about Shindume, said the latter has a passport from the Angolan embassy. She said they are trying to acquire birth certificates for the family.
“We are thankful to Me Liina for choosing to come here while she was supposed to be at home relaxing with her family,” Nambonde expressed.
– sikela@nepc.com.na