
Woman’s body found, witness robbed

Home National Woman’s body found, witness robbed
Woman’s body found, witness robbed

The Katutura police are investigating a case of murder after the body of an unidentified woman was discovered with several stabbed wounds on the chest. 

A possible eye witness was robbed and tied to a tree nearby.

The body was discovered yesterday morning at about 08h30 in the bushes on the northern side of Hosianah Church.

According to the Khomas Police commander Ismael Basson, the victim walked from a north-western direction into a southeastern direction on the footpath. 

“She was allegedly attacked by strangers and stabbed to death. (Several stabbed wounds were seen on the chest). Blood stains of the deceased were followed from near Angermund Transport premises to the place, where the deceased was found, behind Hosianah Parish church. It’s also alleged that a possible witness to the murder was robbed of his cellphone and cash of N$1 500, and tied with a rope into the tree in the same vicinity. He allegedly highlighted that he saw the deceased walking in front of him, and that she was being followed by four men he believed are the ones who attacked the deceased and also robbed him,” reads the police report issued by Khomas Police spokesperson Silas Shipandeni. 

He further indicated the possible witness is still in shock and too confused to be interrogated. 

He will be interviewed at a later stage when he has calmed down. 

The victim’s next of kin have not yet been informed, as there is no identification found on the victim’s body.