
Wrong career choices contribute to unemployment

Home National Wrong career choices contribute to unemployment

WINDHOEK – The Minister of Higher Education, Training and Innovation, Dr Itah Kandji-Murangi has said the unemployment of graduates mainly is due to a wrong choice of career, adding that if guided well on careers, learners will know which fields are saturated and which fields are much sought after.
Kandji-Murangi said this while officiating at the Ritja Career Fair in Ongwediva held at Mweshipandeka High School last Friday.

Over 800 learners attended the fair.
She said career fairs such as the Ritja Career Fair is one of the most important enablers toward identifying opportunities for employment in Namibia for the country’s youth, to explore, to choose from and indeed to undertake. 
“I am reliably informed that this event called the Ritja Career Fair, is the 4rd of its kind in Namibia and we commend the management for successfully hosting it this year and the past years,” she said. 

Kandjii-Murangi says as Namibia strives toward reaching Vision 2030 goals, those of the Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP) and the NDPs, an initiative such as this one needs to be applauded by all Namibians.
“I wish to take this moment to thank the initiators and partners of the Ritja Career Fair for making this day possible. I think we owe all of them a big round of applause,” she stressed.

“Thank you for bringing our school learners to this important event, thank you for exposing them to possibilities and opportunities available to mitigate the challenges which may confront them in the future,” she added. 
She said knowledge acquired at the fair should empower learners to choose and position themselves better, and to function efficiently in a competitive knowledge-based economy that Namibia aspires to be. 
“Your participation in the local economy after your studies is of paramount importance – as both specialised employees and, as employers in your own right,” she said. 

“Begin early to follow and develop your dreams,” she advised learners. 
The minister reminded learners that Namibia is a small country in terms of population size, and has a small labour market and a small economy. 

She said the hard reality is, government and the existing companies, in future, will not be able to absorb all graduates. 
“It is important to prepare yourselves for self-employment in your respective regions. If you study and prepare well, you will be able to,” she encouraged.

Kandjii-Murangi said career choice should be informed by education, exposure, observations, experience through practice, volunteering, choosing and engaging role models and self-education in the field of interest. 

She said today’s generation is fortunate as self-education is at the tip of their fingers, through the internet, yet they need to be guided. 

Ritja Career Fair is the brainchild of the popular Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) Omurari FM presenter Uzeraije Kapika Tjazerua.

The idea came to fruition in 2013, after a brainstorming session between the latter and the late governor of the Otjozondjupa Region, Rapama Kamehozu, in 2012.

The Fair is held annually in different parts of the country with the sole aim to encourage learners to make informed decisions when deciding on the career paths they wish to pursue. 
It gives the scholars an opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge about courses that suit them the most and the job opportunities available in specific fields.