Xclusive Dance Crew,  simply mind-blowing!

Home Art Life Xclusive Dance Crew,  simply mind-blowing!

By Selma Neshiko


WINDHOEK– Mind-Llowing is definitely how one could describe the Xclusive Dance Crew.

Their dazzling performance at the Dance Showcase Namibia which took place at the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre(FNCC) last Friday was so awesome one would think it’s time they get their shine. When the crew came on stage and started popping and breaking it down low, all that one could do is stand there smiling all the time. The dance choreography, especially when they did the free styling part, could not be anything else but amazing. This crew was so full of head spinning talent that even if you don’t enjoy Hip Hop dance, the way they conveyed through body language, one could but sit back and ask for more.

Proving that dancing defines them, is that they only had an hour of showcasing but yet again one wondered how they kept it so interesting for that length of time  showing everyone why they love music within that hour. One, as much, could not otherwise but smile all the way  at the choice of songs, which brought back old memories and the dance moves.

An absolutely enjoyment! They offered way more than one expected and one wouldn’t think twice on attending more of their upcoming shows.  This is one of the performances that should be seen by many, and not just the people who follow dance. If anyone  has missed  out on this one, than he/she has really missed out on a lifetime experience. Thumps ups to Sebastiaan Gamxamub, the group choreographer and main brains behind the crew.