Year of mentoring girls ends in style

Home Youth Corner Year of mentoring girls ends in style

Staff Reporter

Youths united in the Girl Child: Mentorship Group – a group of young girls from the Mariental community in the Hardap Region – ended this year’s activities in style with a celebration of the Girl Child International Day here recently.

The day was attended by thirteen girls from different schools in Mariental, and one education officer from the region, Sandrina Makchete. As part of the activities learners were given a chance to show what they have learned from the group’s outreach programme throughout the year.

“The programme capacitated us with information technology skills. I also learned how to type something with a computer and understand how to search information when doing my schoolwork,” says Patience Jod.

Levithea Lambert says she learned about healthy relationships, adding that one needs to have a healthy communication with someone to have a healthy relationship with that person. Lambert further explains that a few factors contribute to a healthy relationship, such as respect for one another, compromise, support and honesty.

Machtilde Uugwanga explains that she has learned how to prepare for the examinations, making reference to studying tips. These tips include learners having enough time to study, organising their study materials and reading old examination papers for further understanding.

Nicole Haimbili says she has learned about teenage pregnancy, the causes of it such as peer pressure, absent parents, glamorisation of pregnancy, lack of knowledge about the subject and drinking among teenagers.
The girls were satisfied and demonstrated a positive attitude towards the programme. Learners were given certificates of attendance.

The girls also visited the Mariental Magistrate’s Court, meeting prosecutor Timo Iitula who oriented them by explaining and demonstrating a court proceeding. Iitula also showed them what a case docket looks like.