
Young engineer has made it his mission to change lives

Home National Young engineer has made it his mission to change lives

Aletta Shikololo

At the age of 29, the chief engineer in the Ministry of Works of Transport and businessman, Sylvester Shapwa, has managed to feed and clothe hundreds of under-privileged souls every week over a period of five years through his organisation Sasha Charity and Care Foundation.

The foundation feeds over 150 orphans, street kids, pregnant women and vulnerable people in Windhoek and collects clothes and food from friends and donors to feed the hungry. 

Growing up in a challenging environment has groomed Shapwa to be the humanitarian that he is.
“I had a very difficult upbringing and although I have both my parents I never grew up close to them but rather in school hostels. My parents were always very strict but encouraged me to respect people, follow instructions and always remember where I come from, which was not a rich background,” recalls Shapwa.
Shapwa told Youth Corner that his life mission is to make a change in people’s lives and share the little that he has with people who are in need.

He is inspired by people who do things for themselves. 
“People who make ends meet, people who see the struggle of others as their own and also by life in general. What makes me a role model is the will to give, to listen to others and the fact that I give and assist where I can. I know how it feels to not have, thus I give always, be it motivation, encouragement, love, support, I always give when I can and I do not see myself as someone better or different from others, hence I am always around people who either make me better or those I can better myself,” commented Shapwa. 

Shapwa who is currently studying for a Master Degree in Industrial Engineering at the Namibia University of Science and Technology recently published a book ‘Respect my hustle’ in which he shares his life story as an entrepreneur. 

Last month, he hosted the Windhoek Annual Cultural Festival which is about diversifying Namibian cultures and it turned out to be a success, he says. 

He encourages the youth to spread love by giving and listening to others. 
“They say it is more blessed to give than to receive and this is true. Our hands will never run dry, keep giving until giving is the only thing you will have left; God will surely fill your storeroom until you have no more room to store more,” he says.