
Young Namibians’ hearts filled with kindness 

Home Youth Corner Young Namibians’ hearts filled with kindness 
Young Namibians’ hearts filled with kindness 

Maria Haipinge


Random Acts of Kindness Namibia (RAKS Namibia) is a driven non-profit organisation birthed in February this year to build ways to better society.

“It was initiated with the dream to restore hope in humanity through application of life transforming principles,” the organisation’s founder Charlotte Mojackie told Youth Corner.

The initiative fosters the spirit of kindness and ubuntu through carrying out random acts of kindness. 

The mission: To see transformed hearts, minds and lives. 

Mojackie (36) listed some recent world events which created the need for the initiative, such as the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, high suicide rates, economic recession, and job losses. 

“I also came to a realisation that the world needs love, especially after having gone through such turbulent times of pain and sorrow, now more than ever.”

Some major projects accomplished by RAKS thus far are sanitary pad distributions, donation of blankets to the less fortunate, creating awareness on International Albinism Awareness Day, and the Girls of Worth and Substance programme, which engages the girl-child on self-worth, self-esteem, identity purposes, etc. 

RAKS also drives a Mental Health Month programme to
raise awareness of mental illnesses in Namibia and their effects.

The organisation consists of 45 registered members, and is led by a committee with various portfolios, including research and development, finance, communication, counselling etc.

Mojackie explained that these young leaders oversee and work with a team, and they are mentored by an experienced adult in each division.

“For example, our resident social worker would guide and advise that group on areas to look at, and how to deal with the depression hotline, among others.”

Alice Otto (24) said she joined RAKS because she believes in its purpose of helping the younger child. 

“To talk to the younger child, like a loving older sibling with their best interest at heart, because there’s a lot of people who don’t really help from a place of love, but from a place of anger and judgement.”

For Asive Rani (23), the meaning behind RAKS drew her to the organisation.

“I resonate with the whole concept of RAKS which is to foster and strengthen the spirit of kindness and ubuntu,” she told Youth Corner.

Rani mentioned some charitable deeds that she had done throughout her life; be it through spoken words, gestures and doing good things out of kindness from her heart that she believes are random, because she does not plan such things. 

“I try to offer a helping hand whenever I can, thus, drawing me close to the young individuals. In a nutshell, the opportunity was presented to me and I made the most of it.”

The organisation is calling on young people who desire to serve their communities, find purpose and be part of a movement greater than themselves; individuals who desire personal growth and development to join them.

It also targets captains of industry and leaders who are willing to coach, impart skills and facilitate training and mentorship for personal development of these leaders of tomorrow for the future of Namibia.

RAKS further urged individuals who share the passion for youth development and empowerment, and community development in sustainable ways, and are willing to support and finance programmes and missions to reach out to them.

The group is self-funded and is open to contributions from good Samaritans to sustain their activities.

“Also, we invite and plea with anyone who is willing to partner with RAKS Namibia through financial support of programmes as well as with your skills, expertise and time,” said Mojackie, who believes in the saying: “Do not announce moves, confirm arrival.”

RAKS’ short-term plan is the establishment of a RAKS Namibia group in every school, university and community throughout Namibia.

Mojackie envisioned the organisation to become internationally renowned and a trusted household name for transformation, empowerment and restoration. 

She also aims for their programmes to form part of school and tertiary curriculums.

– emariahaipinge@gmail.com