Young women form Ladies Talk to empower teens

Home Youth Corner Young women form Ladies Talk to empower teens

Pinehas Nakaziko

Windhoek-Two young women have come up with an initiative called ‘Ladies Talk’ with a purpose of empowering and encouraging teenage girls, especially those about to enter university.

Raynel Rauna Kahenge and Aina Johannes, who are both 20, say through Ladies Talk they hope to dispense advice to fellow young people on issues affecting teenage girls in the country. They also hope to use the initiative as a platform to discuss whatever challenges young Namibian women face on a daily basis.

“Our aim is to build strong women by encouraging self-confidence and self-love; and also encouraging women to develop entrepreneurial skills with the quality to ascertain independence, women empowerment and knowledge of their human rights,” says Kahenge.

They plan to host their first discussion on February 3, in Windhoek, with the speaker of the Namibian Youth Parliament, Norman Ndeuyeeka, as the special guest.

“During our first talk, we are going to share life challenges we are currently facing as young women, share each other’s experiences and teach one another on how we can handle issues affecting us,” Kahenge adds.

She says interested teenagers should take part in their one-on-one free mentorship course and also teach other young girls in their circles, communities or at their schools. “We want to move this initiative to every corner of the country, so that every girl benefits from our programme.”

The initiative is targeting those that need help in dealing with youth matters such as teenage pregnancies and being teen mothers, relationships matters, alcohol and drug abuse, careers, school issues and many others.
Kahenge called on teenage girls to show up in their numbers to their first interaction.