Youth gang case referred to PG

Home National Youth gang case referred to PG

KEETMANSHOOP – The case of eight youngsters who allegedly form part of the notorious ‘Hosh (26)’ gang in this southern town, has been referred for the Prosecutor General (PG)’s decision by the Keetmanshoop Magistrate’s Court last week. 

Roland Kaffer, Zane Matthys, Michael Hendricks, Brandon Dreyer, Nicky Rooi, Gideon Hendricks,
Elton Kooper and Jonathan Matthys stand accused on combined charges of performing an act of violence
and/or a criminal activity committed by a criminal gang or with the assistance of a criminal gang; assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm; impersonating a member of the police; theft, robbery, assault by threat, trespassing, common assault and malicious damage to property. They pleaded not guilty before magistrate Erich Dandu.  The State withdrew charges against accused number three.

 “You now have the opportunity to indicate the basis of your defence by making a short statement. But take note that you are not forced or influenced to do so, and may now also exercise your right to remain silent,” Dandu explained to them. In response, all accused preferred to remain silent.

They indicated that they might call witnesses as the trial proceeds. In addition, the majority of the accused persons are fine to prepare their defence on the charges at short notice. Dandu then informed them that since the matter on the roll contains serious charges and needed to be treated with the urgency it requires in terms of progress, their case will be postponed until 6 May 2024. “Since the court has been advised that investigations are completed, the matter will be adjourned as a final remand for the purposes of the Prosecutor General’s decision on whether to charge you on an offence, and if so, in which court to conduct your trial,” he told the accused.      

The bail amounts of Kaffer, Zane Matthys and Michael Hendricks were reduced from N$3 000 to N$1 500. In addition, the bail of Brandon Dreyer has been extended, whilst Rooi and Gideon Hendricks were warned to be present at the next appearance date. 
