
Youth Leader Calls for Development Programmes

Home Archived Youth Leader Calls for Development Programmes

By Engel Nawatiseb TSUMEB THE newly elected Secretary-General of the National Youth Council, Juliet Kavetuna, says affiliate youth organisations should implement youth development programmes because they serve the council in an implementing capacity. Kavetuna stressed that the NYC should be regarded as an advocacy agent rather than a body imposing itself upon youth programmes. The leadership, she noted, would focus on encouraging the youth to create and capitalize on opportunities available in the country and through international youth organizations. She said local youth groups could benefit from international youth exchange programmes, internships as well as education opportunities to obtain academic qualifications at tertiary level. According to her, most youth structures in the regions and districts have become dormant and have failed to serve the interests of young people at grassroots level. “That discipline will be my first area of focus in a bid to help re-activate the structures and motivate the youth to help themselves become respected future leaders.” Another area of focus, said Kavetuna, deals with corrupt youth leaders. She added that the NYC couldn’t condone any corruption or involvement of its members in corrupt activities. She stressed that the youth organization has declared a zero tolerance against corruption in order to support Government’s stand in the fight to root out corruption and its causes from Namibian soil. “All people’s eyes are glued on youth involvement and their activities, not to say that the youth are corrupt but with all expectations that we will take the lead to discourage corruption in the country,” said Kavetuna. She appealed for unity of purpose, stressing that different people from diversified political orientations should strive towards co-existence and unity. Kavetuna however cautioned that the NYC should not be used as a springboard by individuals to gain personal benefits aimed at promoting their political agendas.