
Youth opinions on the 2019 elections

Home Youth Corner Youth opinions on the 2019 elections

Aletta Shikololo

The 2019 elections have come to an end and Youth Corner went to the streets of Windhoek to hear Namibian youth’s views on the elections and this is what some of them had to say

Simon Ashivudhi
This is my third time voting. In the past elections, we used ballot papers and the elections used to take place for two days and everyone has a chance to vote, now that they have introduced electronic voting machines (EVMs), the process was short but unfortunately a lot of people didn’t vote because one day wasn’t enough. I suggest the Electoral Commission of Namibia add one more day so everyone gets a chance to vote. Elders were highly favoured during elections which was not fair for us the youth because during elections, we were supposed to be given a chance to vote on a first come first served basis because a number of young people went back to their houses without voting. Overall, the elections were not fair.

Florence Tjaveondja
I haven’t experienced any difficulties while casting my vote, but I am worried about others who complained of experiencing problems while casting their votes. I am also concerned that the winning party got more votes in rural areas compared to urban areas, therefore, I suggest they educate people from rural areas because we are not sure if what they have voted for is what they really want or they have voted based on what they know. Overall, I think the results were fair and our Namibian politics have become interesting because back then people would be certain of who to win elections but this year, it was different. It was a great competition and as from now on, I will keep myself updated when it comes to politics.

Moses Allbright
I have voted for the first time and the process was very smooth. I didn’t have any difficulties while voting and I think we had free and fair elections despite the fact that a lot of people are unhappy with the results. I am happy for the president-elect.

Ronni Amwaama
The election process was very smooth and fast but the outcome of the results was unfair because of complaints from some constituencies were machines were beeping before anybody voted, what if that affected the results? During the elections, we were hearing of a lot of unfair deeds in most constituencies and I strongly believe that this year’s elections were not fair.

Tendai Nesongano
I am a first-time voter and my first experience voting was horrible. I stood in the queue for six hours and the whole process was unfair because the elders got special treatment than the rest of us. Anyways I am glad the president-elect addressed the nation on the way forward and what is expected of him, so I just hope he will finally bring change in the country as he promised.