
Youth organisations receive PEPFAR grants

Home National Youth organisations receive PEPFAR grants

KATIMA MULILO – Three community based youth organisations in the region of  Zambezi and the two Kavango regions supporting the Ministry of Health and Social Services by offering HIV/AIDS services have been awarded grants by PEPFAR.
The handvover took place in Katima Mulilo on Thursday.

The grants range between N$280 000 and N$350 000. US ambassador, Lisa Johnson, pointed out that the three organisations were selected based on their focus areas, track records and their commitment to bring effective change in their respective communities. Johnson called on the beneficiaries and the community at large to work very hard and have successful programmes with meaningful contribution towards accelerating Namibia’s progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS. “It is very important that you, the community members and direct beneficiaries of the activities supported by PEPFAR Small Grants programmes, make use of the services made available to you otherwise , our efforts, alongside those of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, will not yield the desired results,” said Johnson.

The three organisations are the Caprivi Hope for Life from the Zambezi Region, Kavango Orphanage, and the Youth to Youth that targets both the Kavango East and West regions. In their remarks, the beneficiaries vowed to put the grants to good use.  “This grant will make a great difference in helping us to achieve our role, and to be able to reach our people, so that we can live longer and for our children to have a better life in future,” said Monika Shikupe from Kavango Orphanage, which take care of orphans and vulnerable children as well as provide food and education to parents living with HIV/AIDS.

Her sentiments were shared by Victor Munsu from Caprivi Hope for Life which targets community boys and girls aged between 10 and 25 years. Munsu stressed that, among others, the grant will assist them to reach out to the youth in the areas of Masokotwani and Muyako along Lake Lyambezi, where the targeted youth includes fishermen and fish vendors. “This grant will help this organisation to engage the out of school youth and to create a platform for youth groups that will discuss the HIV issues,” said Munsu.