
Youths frustrated by slow processing of loan applications

Home National Youths frustrated by slow processing of loan applications

WINDHOEK – Some youths who applied for loans through the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Services have accused the institution of neglecting their applications. Youths who spoke to New Era on condition of anonymity claimed that they have applied through the ministry, six months ago and up to now there is no response.

According to the Senior Credit Officer at Namibia Rural Development Project Esegiel Kandetu, there are about 36 youths that applied for the higher loans since March and he does not know what caused the delay.
“I have submitted the names of the applicants, six months ago and I am surprised by the delay. Hence I find it difficult to give feedback to the youth who applied. I know the money is there and money cannot be an excuse, therefore I just do not know what the delay is,” said Kandetu.

Kandetu noted with concern there are no efforts from the relevant authorities as to why the delay hence he does not know what answer to give to the applicants.

The credit officer explained that as per requirement of the application process, the youths in question used their hard earned cash income to come up with business plans and quotations hoping that they will receive loans in a shorter time.
“Most of the youths applied for loans in anticipation that they will buy enough stocks to sell during the regional trade fairs in their respective regions and constituencies,” said Kandetu.

The ministerial retreat is scheduled for 13-14 September this year whereby about 800 employees in the ministry are expected to attend. All the employees in the 14 regions are expected to travel to Windhoek to attend the retreat event and will claim rate one of the S&T, which is N$692 per day. Transport and accommodations will be provided. The activities that are expected to take place are braai, games and ministerial strategic plans as well as presentation of regional issues and recommendations.

Approached for comment, the Namibia Youth Credit Scheme Coordinator Helen Amukoto said the retreat is totally different from the higher loan and youths must be patient because with the retreat on, the youths will still receive their loans. However, Amukoto mentioned that most of the youths are slow in paying back their loans and this could also be one of the main causes for the approval of the loans.

Although Amukoto referred all queries to the Permanent Secretary, she pointed out that the ministry has budgeted for the retreat separately.

Sources within the ministry that spoke to New Era on condition of anonymity for fear of possible victimisation, narrated that there ministry institutions operating without water and electricity due to high bills, but yet the ministry has the audacity to spent money on enjoyment and sport games.

The sources also pointed out that the ministry offices will be closed for four days this week because staffs are travelling on today.

Permanent Secretary at that ministry Emma Kantema-Gaomas asked to be emailed questions on the subject but did not respond after they were sent.