
Youths to demonstrate to create entrepreneurship awareness

Home National Youths to demonstrate to create entrepreneurship awareness

WINDHOEK – Hundreds of local youths will hold a peaceful demonstration this Friday along Independence Avenue to create awareness regarding fruitful entrepreneurship.  

The demonstration is also to urge corporations, both public and private, to help entrepreneurial growth. Themed, Let’s Stand as Namibian Youth and Rescue our Economy, the demonstration is spearheaded by Fruitful Corp, a youth organisation founded by three young people to reinforce, empower, promote, motivate and entice Namibian youth into entrepreneurial activities.

Initiated in March this year and registered under the National Youth Council (NYC), Fruitful Corp also aims to curb unemployment by promoting self-employment by targeting to meet the government and private sector halfway in creating employment opportunities. The organisation also aims to level the youths into entrepreneurship, stimulating entrepreneurship, educating the youths about and toward entrepreneurship as well as to level rules and regulations and other policies that demotivate youth from going into entrepreneurship. “With the organisation, youth are educated about entrepreneurship and offered business ideas to create awareness for one’s [ventutre] and encourage youth to pursue entrepreneurship,” says 24-year-old Nestor Moses, who is one of the founders. 

Moses adds that the organisation is also inculcating an entrepreneurship spirit in a way that motivates youth to do something for themselves, changing their mindsets from waiting for the government and private sector to create jobs. He adds that Fruitful Corp will expand the movement to other regions and towns, offering business ideas through education programmers, school tours and business forums.