Zambezi hosts Career Fair

Home International Zambezi hosts Career Fair

Katima Mulilo

The Directorate of Education launched a four-day educational Career Fair at Ngweze Community Hall in Katima Mulilo yesterday. All secondary schools offering Grade 12 have been invited to attend.
Representatives from institutions of higher learning, including the University of Namibia (Unam), the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and the Zambezi Vocational Training Centre (ZVTC), have been invited to market and present their course offerings and services.
Speaking at the official launch of the career fair the deputy director of education in the Zambezi Region, Jost Kawana, called on learners to grasp this opportunity accorded to them and make a decision about what they plan to study.
“This is a very important opportunity accorded to you, as you will be exposed to different careers that will be laid before you. Some of us never had this opportunity and we were only exposed to limited careers, like education and the police service,” he said.
Previously the directorate used to visit schools and take them through the career guidance programme, but this year schools will be placed in groups and will travel to town to attend the career fair on the specific day that is accorded to each school.