Zim, Nam R & B artists on a collabo

Home Time Out Zim, Nam R & B artists on a collabo

We have heard Zimbabwean musicians doing musical collaborations with other regional artists, mostly from Botswana and South Africa.

Of course here and there, there have also been musical products from Zimbabwe and Zambia as well as Nigeria. All these collaborations promoted unique Southern African sounds that created a trade mark for the region. So who does not want to hear another inter regional fusion of Zimbabwean rap and Namibian R & B?

Well, it has come to our knowledge that Zimbabwean rapper, Masimba Mukoki, popularly known as Ur Highness, has embarked on a musical collaboration with Namibian R & B duo, 3DB.

In a side line interview during his album launch last week, Ur Highness told The Southern Times that the collaboration is meant to bring out the unique urban feel of Southern African R & B fusion. “We are trying to come up with a Zim rap feel and Nam R & B fusion that will bring out the diversity of talents we have in the region.  To be honest inter regional music collaborations are easily recognised globally, and this project is a positive step towards that,” said Ur Highness during the launch of his third album ‘Lazurus’ in Harare last weekend.

“The beat is already there.  It was produced by one of our own Ahsayn Mutamire and we have send it to Namibia for 3DB to work on the concept and chorus of the song. “We had an agreement with the Namibian guys that they will do the chorus and concept of the song, and make necessary adjustments on the beat.

“Once they do the chorus, they will send back the project here and I will do the verses that goes along with the chorus. Lyrical content of rap verses comes naturally to me, thus it can only take a day for me to complete.”

“So at the meantime we are only waiting for 3DB to work on the chorus, then we polish up and release the song soon.”
Masimba said Namibia is a bit far from Zimbabwe compared to other countries such as Botswana and South Africa, thus they have picked a cost effective method of recording. Ur Highness added: “After I record the verses of the song, I am supposed to send it again to Namibia for the guys to do their input on the intros of the song.  Finally the, mastering of the song will be done here in Zimbabwe.”

The Zimbabwean rapper said he is yet to agree with 3DB on how they will release the song and the marketing strategies. When The Southern Times heard the beat, it could not be described in one word. It sounded like some Afro Pop beat mixed with soft hip hop that has a dance along feel of R & B. The Namibian duo, 3DB consist of Bobby Gaseb and Immanuel Mayiji also known as Brooklynfeedbackemail;