
Teenager arrested on allegations of murder

Home National Teenager arrested on allegations of murder

WINDHOEK – A 17-year-old boy was arrested for stabbing a fellow teenager with a knife in the chest. The deceased who is identified as Undamuje Katuzuva Rukero later died in the ambulance while being transported to the Aminius clinic. The incident happened last Saturday at 23h45 at Itumeleng bar also known as ‘White House’. This week’s crime report stated the two were fighting but the cause of the fight remains unknown. The suspect remains in police custody.

The victim’s next of kin have been informed about the tragic turn of events.
Police in Windhoek opened a case of attempted murder, after a kapana vendor intervened in a fight and started stabbing a 28-year-old victim about nine times. The incident happened on Saturday evening between 20h00 and 21h00 at the Single Quarters in Katutura. The crime report stated an argument erupted between the victim, Stephanus Theophellus and other people in a bar. 

The suspect, who is a kapana vendor intervened and started stabbing the victim outside the bar eight times on the back, of which four stabbed wounds are deep, three times on the chest and two stab wounds on the right shoulder and elbow and ran away. 

The report stated Theophellus’ condition is serious as he lost too much blood and was rushed to the hospital. No arrest was made and police investigation continues.

In an unrelated matter, a case of housebreaking with intent to rob and armed robbery with aggravating circumstances was opened when four robbers armed with knives stormed into a house in Olympia and stole items valued at N$59 000. The suspects removed the flat screen television set which was mounted on the wall, loaded it in the vehicle which was parked in the garage but failed to drive away since the members of G4S security company arrived. 

The suspects fled the scene towards the mountains. They got away with four cellphones and jewelries, portable wi-fi and other items yet to be identified. Police report alleged that the suspects forced the steel gate yard open and gained entrance. Upon entering the house from the back door, which was left with the key inside the door, the suspects found a victim in the living room watching television, grabbed him and tied him with a cloth on both hands and legs. 

“They searched all over the house, went upstairs, where they found a female house occupant and assaulted her with the iron bar and dragged her down stairs. They were demanding valuable items,” read the police report. It is further alleged the suspects forced the female victim downstairs and covered both victims with blankets. No arrest has been made. A laptop and flat screen were recovered after they were abandoned outside the house as the suspectS fled.