Potable water no longer a dream for Tondoro residents

Home National Potable water no longer a dream for Tondoro residents

Stefanus Nambara

NKURENKURU – Villages in the Kavango West’s Tondoro constituency last week received a donation of 40 bundles of water pipes from the Tulikwateseni Community Trust, which will be installed to supply them with potable water.
The 50mm-in-diameter and 100m-in-length donated pipes were handed over to five villages of that constituency, namely Marema, Sitopogo, Mukekete, Katara and Nzinze, respectively.

The pipes will be connected to the already-installed water pipes supplying potable water at nearby villages to supply to the beneficial villages, where the residents will then have the opportunity to connect pipes into their homes.
During the handover, Klesensia Kalipa of Tulikwateseni Community Trust said the company was approached by the constituency’s councillor and requested to assist communities that were faced with a challenge of access to potable water supply.
Meanwhile, the constituency’s councillor Joseph Sivaku Sikongo applauded the company for its positive and quick response. He said his office put in the request in June this year.

“I would like to thank the company, Tulikwateseni Community Trust, that received our request and responded promptly, so that our communities can have access to potable water,” Sikongo said. 
According to him, although the five villages are alongside the Kavango River and therefore have access to water, the water from there is not fit for human consumption, as a lot of rubbish and waste materials flow in it, posing a serious health hazard.
“The river also has animals like crocs and hippos that are attacking them as they fetch water,” he added.
It was a sigh of relief for the residents too, as they received the donations.

“I want to thank the company for the water pipes we received today. We have been crying for potable water at our village; these pipes will bring life in our homes, so we are really grateful,” Irene Muronga from Sitopogo village expressed.
Another resident from that village to have shared the same feeling is Felistas Ndonga, who, in addition, thanked the councillor for listening to their cries of not having potable water supplied to their village.
Armas Namwira from Nzinze village also welcomed the donations, saying it was always a need for them to have access to potable water for the benefit of their health.