
Some N$3.9 billion spent annually on senior citizen grants

Home Business Some N$3.9 billion spent annually on senior citizen grants

More than 183 000 senior citizens receive a monthly social grant, which costs the State some N$3.9 billion annually and constitutes coverage of 96% of those qualified to benefit. These figures were revealed last week in parliament by Prime Minister (PM) Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila. 
The PM was reflecting on the progress and achievements of the Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP) and the fifth National Development Plan (NDP5).

During this reflection, she also indicated there was an increase in the local generation of electricity from 400MW to 600 MW since the implementation of the HPP. According to her, the specific projects under the HPP were drawn from the National Development Plans and budgeted under the votes of the respective ministries. 

“Some of the large projects that were budgeted include the expansion of the Port of Walvis Bay, which was implemented over several years and is now completed. There has been a range of initiatives in the area of transport, agriculture, energy, and water infrastructure development, as well as social programmes to provide housing, education and medical services that have been undertaken; some are completed and some are still ongoing,” Kuugongelwa-Amadhila stated.

Furthermore, she noted there were targeted private sector investments that were realised following investment promotion that was undertaken. These investments were, amongst others, in the area of cement manufacturing, agribusiness and diamond cutting and polishing.
The PM said the HPP is, however, not only relying on budgetary allocation to achieve high-impact activity. She stated that some initiatives are policy reforms that do not require huge capital outlays. 

“The HPP was designed to encourage stakeholder’s participation in our socio-economic development programs – and to this end, there were several private sector participants,” she stated.
Elaborating on the plan, she noted that the HPP and NDP5 seek to instil a culture of hard work, respect for human dignity and unity, where every citizen is provided with an opportunity to realise his or her potential to make a meaningful contribution to the national development priorities while citizens are also encouraged to do more with less.

She added that developments under the NDPs and HPP require the best amounts of resources to be implemented – and as such, a range of sources are being mobilised. 

The fifth NDP period ends in March 2022 and this necessitates work on NDP6. 
“Work has started on documenting the achievements realised and challenges encountered during the implementation of NDP5 in the context of a Vision 2030 review. 

NDP5 and HPP continue to be the reference point for all policy interventions undertaken by the government – both internally and in our country’s relations and cooperation with other countries. 
The capital or projects accompanying the NDP5 are continuously monitored,” she continued.
– mndjavera@nepc.com.na