Tobacco plantation a sad plan

Home Letters Tobacco plantation a sad plan

WE read in The Namibian this week with disgust about how Armas Amukwiyu admitted that he is the well-connected principal agent of the Chinese to secure 10 000 hectares of land to produce tobacco in the Zambezi Region. Indeed, we were warned already by Frantz Fanon that after independence, it will not be a white man, but a fellow black man, who will harm the black man. Fanon was talking about the likes of Amukwiyu. This revelation is not new; it is similar to the 1883 transaction where native Joseph Fredericks donated Angra Peguena land to Franz Adolf Eduard Lüderitz after receiving alcohol.

It is to be expected of Amukwiyu to be an agent of the Chinese in the tobacco deal because by his disposition, Amukwiyu can sell our land even for a hotdog. This deal explains why Amukwiyu always wanted to get rid of vigilant youth. As matters stand, only TB Joshua knows the number of unpatriotic deals he is involved in.

As land activists, we have done our part by launching an objection, on 9 March 2015, against the drugs plantation with the lands ministry – making compelling arguments on why the size of land and the drugs plantation must not go unchallenged nor go ahead.

We have given a copy of the objection to the Director General of the World Health Organization in Geneva, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry.

As Frantz Fanon informs us, in the wretched of the earth, “For a colonised people the most essential value, because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which will bring them bread and, above all, dignity.” We hope that sanity prevails and supreme logic emerges so that the land is redirected to food production and not drugs.

Affirmative Repositioning land activists