
Strengthening media literacy, participation

Home Youth Corner Strengthening media literacy, participation
Strengthening media literacy, participation

Anke Moerschel


BERLIN – To specifically encourage the engagement of girls and young women in the digital realm, the global project “Schülerinnen-Akademie: Strengthening Media Literacy and Participation” was commissioned by the Federal Foreign Office and executed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in collaboration with the Central Agency for Schools Abroad.

On 25 August, schoolgirls from grade 10 participated in a multi-day project phase at the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS), which aimed to enhance their involvement in digital, social, and political processes. 

This initiative extended its participation to schools in nine different countries, including Mexico, Ethiopia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, and Pakistan.

Last month, four DHPS learners; Gia Sickel, Inka Walter, Lorraine Harupe, and Sheya Ford travelled to Berlin for the conclusion of the event, where they had the opportunity to meet participants from other countries. 

The central focus of the event was media production, providing learners with insights into formulating clear media messages to inform, educate, and sensitise their peers. 

This experience served to bolster their self-confidence and self-efficacy. As multipliers, these learners are now able to share their newly acquired skills and knowledge with schools, peers, and their broader social environment.

Lorraine Harupe from DHPS Windhoek said she really loved her time in Berlin.  “From meeting amazing people to trying out delicious local cuisines and even seeing snow for the first time lol, everything was truly unforgettable. I also acquired valuable Media literacy skills, worked on my social skills, and developed essential self-sufficiency skills, all while embracing the rich diversity that surrounded me. Overall, I loved everything and everyone, and it was an amazing experience for sure,” she said.

In addition to visiting the Bundestag and the Federal Foreign Office, the learners explored a wintry Berlin with snow and a Christmas market and forged new friendships.

Edna from Bosnia and Herzegovina said the three days in Berlin changed her view of the world, which provided her with new knowledge and acquaintances that mean a lot to me.  

“Although the days were filled with activities, I returned home happy and proud of all of us, because we did so much in such a short time. Fatigue did not manage to spoil my happiness, and I hope that we will all stay in touch and meet again at news conferences,” said Edna.

Samara a student from Ethiopia described the trip to Berlin as one of the most charitable memories, that she holds close to my heart. 

“Not only did I experience the wonders of the city and amazing cuisine, but it also helped me to pave my future. I met people who will stay in my mind forever and powerful women who gave me motivation and confidence. Even though the days were booked with events constantly, I enjoyed every single second of it and if I had the chance to repeat that week, I would do it over and over again! I hope the future doesn’t separate us and I hope we meet again,” she said. –DHPS