China commits to supporting Namibia where necessary

Home National China commits to supporting Namibia where necessary
China commits to supporting Namibia where necessary

CHINESE ambassador to Namibia Zhao Weiping says China will maintain the exchange of high-level visits and interactions at all levels with Namibia, to jointly map out the blueprint for the bilateral relations and strengthen communication and coordination in international and regional affairs. 

He said China will uphold the principle of South-South Cooperation and constantly deepen China-Namibia economic cooperation by further expanding imports from Namibia and encouraging Chinese companies to invest more in Namibia in various fields including clean energy. 

“China will, based on Namibia’s actual needs, continue providing support wherever it can for Namibia’s social and economic development, and help Namibia with its industrialisation, agricultural modernisation, talent development and infrastructure improvement,” said Zhao during China’s 74th founding anniversary. 

“We will continue to work hard with our Namibian friends and make greater contribution to the development of China-Namibia relations,” Zhao said. 

He added that the bilateral relations are based on profound traditional friendship, deep political mutual trust and important common interests, which have made enormous progress over the past 33 years and will surely embrace an even brighter future. 

Additionally, over the last decade, China has successively introduced the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilisation Initiative, to contribute to the building of a global community of shared future with concrete actions and provide Chinese solutions to major issues concerning world peace and development. 

The BRI cooperation aims to provide Namibia with an extra path for poverty alleviation, job creation and solving other development problems, helping accelerate the realisation of industrialisation and agricultural modernisation.

Some existing projects such as the Husab mine, Walvis Bay container terminal and several road construction projects are implemented under the framework of BRI. This means Namibia has already begun to benefit from the BRI initiative. 

At the same occasion, international relations deputy minister Jenelly Matundu said China has successfully evolved its own development model and other developing countries, such as Namibia, are inspired by these achievements, such as uplifting millions of people out of poverty. 

“Our bonds of friendship and solidarity continue to make a positive impact on the development of our country. Investment and cooperation in infrastructure, manufacturing, energy, ICT, human capacity development, to mention but a few, continue to yield telling benefits by contributing to the improvement of the living standards of many of our citizens,” she added. 

Matundu pointed out that Namibia welcomes Chinese enterprises to invest and cooperate with and stands ready to work with China to push for greater development of bilateral relations. 

“We commend China’s numerous successes in cementing solid economic growth, national unity, social stability and progress while at the same time enriching mankind with its diverse heritage and contributions to various fields such as in science and technology, literature, and of course arts and culture,” she stated. 
